Bradford CS

Welcome to the Bradford Children's and Families Trust Online Procedures

Please note: Bradford Children and Families Trust was established to deliver the best possible outcomes for children in Bradford. Local authorities in England deliver a range of statutory and non-statutory services for children. In Bradford these statutory children's service care functions and duties are undertaken by Bradford Children and Families Trust on behalf of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. The power for Bradford Metropolitan District Council to discharge care functions is detailed in the Children and Young Persons Act 2008.

Welcome to Bradford Children's and Families Trust Policies and Practice Guidance. In it you will find all the information necessary to support you in your day to day social work. It consists of different sections which you can access from the menu bar.

  • Main Policies - this contains our key policies and ensures that we comply with the law and statutory guidance when safeguarding the needs of the children and families we work with. This guides our social work practice;
  • Practice Guidance - this contains local guidance, tools and other information that supports and complements our main policies;
  • Practice Standards - these give clear guidance to all Social Work Practitioners, Community Resource Workers and Managers in respect of their roles and responsibilities as professionals, and help to ensure we meet our statutory requirements and keep children safe.
  • Foster Carer's Handbook - the Bradford Children and Families Trust Foster Carer's Handbook contains useful information about our service by detailing our policies, procedures and practice standards. It is being developed to ensure that we deliver the best outcomes for children, families and carers. Foster carers play an important role in the lives of children in care and their families, so it is important that we have the right systems in place to support this important work;
  • West Yorkshire Consortium Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures - in this section you can access the multi-agency Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP) procedures that we have signed up to with other local authority partners across West Yorkshire. This ensures that we can work in a consistent way across the region in many key areas of our work.

You can find out more about using this manual by clicking 'Using this Manual'.

The Amendments page contains details of the most recent revisions to the procedures.

If you have any queries please get in touch with Amandip Johal.

The content of this website can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form, on a temporary basis, for personal study or reference purposes. However any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of tri.x and City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.